
Đánh giá Phân tích | Page 61

24.02.2015 07:44
Monetary Games as the Means of Currency Wars
Regulators' favorite policy - supporting demand through loans continues the process of active ruination of economy. The growth of debt load, overdue debts, the lengthy decline, expensive dollar in the midst of cheap resources and, as a result, a new period of easing and printing new money that has b... Read more
17.02.2015 07:09
What is bad for Europe is ...profitable for pound?
Last week, quarterly inflation report pushed GBP/USD above key levels, but again, the regular logic is not applicable to the royal pair. Judging by the Governor of the Bank of England's comments, pound will go its own way, and is not going to decrease its rate along with everybody else. Contrary to ... Read more
10.02.2015 07:20
Japanese Motifs or Who Needs Zero Capital Today
While the purchase of European assets is discussed on the markets with the careful positive, yen's new nervous response to American reports brings doubts again as to the effectiveness of such policy for Japan. The Japanese model of economic growth has never placed stakes on consumption, and, for man... Read more
03.02.2015 07:30
Europe's Debts as Ponzi Scheme
The idea of issuing debt obligations as a remedy for the standard of living decrease came into existence more than 30 years ago. If a country spends more than it can collect in the form of taxes, then borrowed funds are used for financing of social programs. That is always served under the guise of ... Read more
27.01.2015 08:31
Shock Eurotherapy and Greek Dessert
Judging by the rapid devaluation of euro, the trust to the last ECB argument is minimal. Purchase of bank bonds with negative profitability will not save the economy, and will not cause structural changes, although stock exchange assets will grow. Draghi is trying to buy time, postponing real decisi... Read more