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02.07.2018 11:46
Messages from the front: European migration and active export of problems
Trump is at war with motorcycles, and China increases sale of oil for yuan. Truces aren't relevant yet. In response to the ultimatum which is put forward to Merkel by partners in ruling coalition and as a result of active work in the night from Thursday to Friday at the EU summit the Germ... Read more
25.06.2018 14:44
Si vis pacem, para bellum. But there won`t be the winners
Europe panics, and the OPEC increases volumes. Main objectives don't change yet, but it is worth stocking up with popcorn. Last week has pleased with the arrangement between Merkel and Macron on the creation of the general budget of the EU and change of the agreement on immigration. Earli... Read more
18.06.2018 11:34
Diplomacy in chukhche style
Draghi has again proved the talent of the manipulator; the next step in trade war of the USA-China is taken; Korean "miracle" has come true, but it still not clearregarding profits. Analysts still argue in what genre − "fiction" or "fantasy" − it is possible to carry the central event of ... Read more
11.06.2018 12:01
Trump Factor: the market is changing anger to the dollar
Kim Jong-un arrived for an audience with Trump. The hot week which opens sharp sale of risk will be in the markets. Increase in a rate of FRS at a meeting on 13 June is considered by the market and surprises are hardly possible: with a probability of 85-90% the rate will be raised on 0,25... Read more
04.06.2018 11:21
God created war so that Americans would learn geography» (Mark Twain)
The situation in China is stable, Japan is nervous, Europe threatens. The market remains active and open for speculation. Next «Beige book» and May NFP have again shown that the economy of the USA is rather strong to endure an increase in rates though falling of unemployment rates increa... Read more