Đánh giá Phân tích | Page 15
09.09.2019 11:48
New-Brexit or Who framed rabbit Johnson
On 6 September, the House of Lords supported a bill that prohibits the country from leaving the European Union without an agreement with Brussels. Parliament has decided (options – to demand? to ask?...) to postpone the date of Brexit to 31 January 2020 if an agreement with the EU cannot be reached ...
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02.09.2019 11:44
British blackmail: prevention is better than cure
So …
The sharp turn of the dollar was «false». Judging by nervousness, Trump is extremely disappointed with results of the policy of trade wars: the president had even to tell lies about carrying out telephone negotiations with China to hold the stock markets from the next disaster.
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26.08.2019 12:59
Messiah Syndrome as a market argument: dangerous, but so far effective
Fed and Jackson Hole
Donald Trump declared himself the «chosen» Messiah in the struggle for a world economic order convenient for the USA. He needs a weak dollar, but alas, Powell's criticism is the weakest tactic. The Fed protocol was destroyed by one decision of the president, but if Donald (...
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19.08.2019 12:01
Speculators «keep» the market in a dangerous zone
The president for the first time this year afforded some concern in connection with the fall of almost all share assets of the USA. On Wednesday Trump organized a teleconference with heads of JPMorgan, BofAML and Citigroup banks for clarification of the reasons of falling of the markets, ...
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12.08.2019 11:21
The Italian crisis opens an autumn season
Matteo Salvini's decision to break the government coalition pursues the banal aim − to use the current popularity of Liga party, but the prime minister Conte refused to resign without a fight. The budget of 2020 became a subject for the conflict: there is no money to reduce the taxes, ...
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