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04.04.2016 06:45
Game by rules or the market in country style
The first quarter of year is over, which main result was a deterioration in moods in the world markets of risk assets and (simultaneously) their substantial recovery, as China didn't devaluate the currency, euro continues to grow actively, and FRS with success plays a role of the Central B...
28.03.2016 07:22
Europe & Asia: where the bank minus is going to?
Hopes for a quiet week did not materialize. Explosions at the Brussels airport again demonstrated market «resistance» to political news - sale of risky assets were short, the European assets were mostly dumped, but only the yen used this factor actively. Low trading liquidity left the gene...
14.03.2016 07:16
Shine and misery of the ECB
This week has appeared to be the one of the most active since the beginning of the year. The ECB has undertaken all necessary measures which would have effect the next 2-3 months. The turmoil was not long but caused the drop of European assets more than by 11 per cent. Overall, the situati...
07.03.2016 07:36
Oil industry, figures and politics
After remarkable events have passed and necessary data have been received in the beginning of the month, the time comes for the market research and political expectations. Statistics data has made traders nervous but has not brought any new market ideas. Battles for oil market have shifted...
01.03.2016 07:34
Spring avitaminosis of the market
Last week provided a standard set of ideas for normal market activity. The US data positively affected the market but the FRS attempt to suspend the interest rate increase with regard to global risks led to the growing panic in the market. The G20 summit did not influence the market signif...