08.06.2022 00:00

Dark polls index: what is it and why


Dark polls index: what is it and why We continue the theme of the dark pool. Every market substance needs analysis tools, especially if complete information is not available to most traders. DIX analyzes hidden liquidity: the result is approximate, but the priority direction can be understood.Dark polls index is a dollar-weighted measure of the dark pool indicator (DPI) of the S&P500 components. Index was developed by SqueezeMetrics  here you can see its real dynamics. It is assumed that he qualitatively evaluates the alignment of trading interests of sellers and buyers who place their orders in the dark pool zone. If the DIX rises, the market sentiment of traders in the dark pools is optimistic. If the DIX falls, the market is either preparing to fall, or the downtrend is already in favour.DIX is directly related to the broad market index, but DIP index thinks differently: it allows you to assess how confident individual stocks are (even outside the S&P500).GEX or Gamma Exposure is a dollar-denominated measure of the hedging commitment of options market participants. We look at the dynamics of GEX index there. When the GEX is high, the options market suggests little volatility. When GEX goes down, volatility is high (speculators get active).For all indices on the site, you can download up-to-date data suitable for additional analysis.Dark Polls Index uses the estimate of short sales on OTC markets as an indirect indicator of the turnover of market makers with individuals. Now the index is declining  the mass of small intraday traders is weakening, as they do not have time to adequately respond to fundamental factors. Trying to wait out market stress, capital is actively fleeing into long-term assets. But if traditional risk mitigation methods prove ineffective, then the big players will return to global speculation again, and the dark pool indices will be the first to let us know.Profits to yall!

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