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07.05.2018 11:19
Italian deadlock: elections without the choice – it is worse than any result
Iran passes to active threats. Trade wars of Trump become the constant toning factor for the market. Democrats of Italy have refused the beginning of negotiations on the formation of the government with the «5 stars» party. Today the president Mattarella will carry out a final round of c... Leer más
30.04.2018 11:04
The market as a theater of the absurd: old actors and new scenarios
Coalition fights in Italy, the Iranian nuclear collapse and the Korean truce. Trump is again on the stage - the peacekeeper, the blackmailer and the businessman. Draghi was succeeded to bring euro out of trade range, having lowered couple of EUR/USD to a three-months minimum though his s... Leer más
23.04.2018 10:07
Trump blackmail brings the result
The settlement agreement with the EU and friendship with Japan sacrifices China. The next insider from the ECB looks quite logical – Draghi has dared to break «silence regime» to test market moods before a meeting on 26 April. It is obvious that irrespective of growth of economy and infla... Leer más
16.04.2018 11:14
By the rockets to market: the mission is declared and exceeded
The markets rushed about between China, the next attack of a trampomania, the Italian debate, but Syria was the last factor for falling of the stock market. On Friday night the USA, Great Britain and France have struck the coordinated air blow to the objects concerning production and use ... Leer más
09.04.2018 09:46
Market&Spiderman: whether Trump is ready to two-front war?
There is no fighting yet, but the markets teeter on the brink of a nervous breakdown. The American report on work appeared below the forecast (traditionally – because of weather), but hasn't caused accidentin the markets, expectations on growth of rates of FRS have almost not changed, the... Leer más