
Resúmenes analíticos | Page 101

20.03.2017 10:14
All bets are off or the show goes on
FRS have used the moment of a surge in market optimism for an increase in a rate. Large players reacted not only with the sale of the dollar, but also active demand for risk assets. Now market prospects of dollar depend only on Trump's administration and the Congress of the USA. The FRS d... Leer más
15.03.2017 11:22
FRS, ECB, oil: the market in search of a point of support
The European Central Bank couldn't support a negative spirit and even NFP couldn't become a convincing argument for purchase of dollar. On Wednesday oil prices fell off for 5%, the report of the Ministry of Energy of the USA according to which inventories updated a historical maximum again... Leer más
07.03.2017 14:33
Trump's fever begins to decline. Is medicine found?
Trump's and Yellen's performances in traditional tones are compensated each other, removing the stress of the markets before a FRS meeting. Euro is nervous because of the French battles, Arabs offer a discount for the oil, third world countries hurry to place euro bonds before the increase... Leer más
28.02.2017 14:23
There was a word at the beginning and the word was FRS
The subject of elections in France keep to press on the market, but strengthening of euro last week was connected with depreciation of dollar. The hawk minutes of the Federal Reserve couldn't give to dollar an impetus for which bulls desperately waited, but try to prepare the markets for t... Leer más
21.02.2017 12:14
The market waits for spring: at first, we sell, and then we think
Investors didn't receive confirmation on the weakening of regulation, the aggressive fiscal and tax measures promised the USA, and therefore displace the positions opened on the Tramp speculation. The raw markets are nervous because of danger of failure of the settled commercial connection... Leer más