
Currency Charts

This section of the website gives an opportunity to look through currency exchange rates in the form of a "live" chart, which is updated in real-time mode periodically of not less than 1 minute.

  1. With the help of an interactive form, the Currency quote charts allow the trader to select the most suitable trading instrument and set the required time frame for a more detailed analysis.
  2. Updated forex currency charts reflect the most accurate information for current technical analysis. You can have a quick and effective assessment of the current situation on the market, pay timely attention to it, and also not lose a profitable trading signal.
  3. Watching real-time forex currency rates will allow the trader to determine the period of the highest activity for each trading asset - which is exactly the time when your currency forex online trading will be the most successful.
  4. Real currency exchange rate and instrument quotes with strong mutual correlation give the trader  a chance to get anticipating trading signals to enter the market and carry out effective online forex currency trading.

Also, on-line currency quotes allow the trader to analyze each instrument in the following areas:

  • Price range of a forex currency pairs: maximum, minimum, and average values;
  • Highest trading activity periods (EET time);
  • Updated strong correlations between various assets;
  • Perspective trading strategies.

Based on graphic information, you can always check or calculate new values with the help of technical and fundamental analysis tools. Use the most reliable and updated information.

Currency charts and Quotes: